Startup Boost feature in Edge browser helps in quickly launch the browser by running set of core process in the background with low priority when you close it. As a result, whenever you relaunch it, the browser opens up quickly. Unfortunately, Startup Boost feature is affected in Edge 97. What actually happening is, if you head over Settings > System and Performance (edge://settings/system). You will notice that Startup Boost option is grayed out with a message that reads: Below this message, you will find out list of extension conflicting with Startup Boot feature. In case, Microsoft Editor was listed, but users are reporting about other extension too. The same include Office and Grammarly. In case, you’re seeing any other extension let us know in the comment.
Fix – Startup Boost option is grayed out in Microsoft Edge 97
In case, you made up to this blog post, then Startup Boost option is grayed out in Edge browser for you as well. As of now, there’s no officially statement from Edge developers what causing the issue. The only solution to fix this issue is by disabling the listed conflicting extension. Here’s how you can do that: In Edge browser, click on the (…) icon and select Settings. On the left side, switch to System and Performance tab and then on the right side, under Startup boot is turn off message, you will find list of conflicting extensions. Turn OFF all the conflicting extension listed by using button next to it. Instantly, conflicting extension will vanish and Startup Boost option will become manageable. Now, you can turn ON your preferred extension. Is Startup Boot option is grayed out for you in Microsoft Edge v97. What is conflicting extension in your case? Let us know in the comments